Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Roman Expansion And Development Of The Roman Empire

Born around the want for Roman expansion and development, the military in Rome was created, first as a citizen-based power with close to no funding from the government or any cultural influence, and soon evolved into one of the major portions of life in Rome as well as changing into a well-trained and completely funded force; the change also brought a shift in cultural interests and a rise in military popularity with an introduction of funding, not only from the government, but also through the aristocratic class. As the growth of these overwhelmingly and increasingly strong forces came to be, there also came the creation of different forces within the Roman Empire, all with different roles that contributed to such a well-rounded strength being created. The intense growth of Rome throughout its period of reign can be attributed almost entirely to these forces. Economic aid played one of the largest roles in the increase of conquest and importance of warfare in the Roman Empire throu ghout its history of growth. Originally, the Roman army was citizen funded and citizen run, resembling a more militia-like complex than the complexity of a state run army. Although this was true, the organization level that was in place was very specific and fine-tuned which allowed for the versatility of the army as well as the safety and power behind it. During this pre-industrial age that was the Roman Empire, the grand majority of the citizens worked land as the means of life which createdShow MoreRelatedGovernment Of Roman Republic And Modern Government Essay942 Words   |  4 PagesGovernment of Roman Republic The government of Roman Republic was certainly a precursor of modern government. Social class played a vital role in the beginning of Republics. Whether a person was a wealthy patrician or common plebeian decided what role he can play in the government. 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